Time is fleeting and life passes by oh so quickly. Every moment of your time is truly precious and should be used wisely.
In a few weeks you will receive the gift of an extra 24 hours to do with what ever you please. What are your plans for your Leap Year gift? How will you spend them? Or, will you choose to invest them?
Your journey through life… is also a remarkable journey through time! Time is in a sense a portal, because you literally pass through it. Time is also a dimension, because time changes everything, including you. Time like money, is also a commodity, for it is the most valuable thing that you will ever possess. And no amount of money can ever add a single day, hour or minute to your life.
February 29th should serve to remind you of your responsibility to both value and respect your gift of time throughout every moment of your every day – for once the grains of sand have slipped through the hour glass, you can never get them back. Time is an integral part of your daily environment, because it is with you wherever you go. And as I’m certain that you would agree, taking care of our environment is an appropriate thing that we all should do. When to comes to your own personal environment, time is the one thing that is so utterly precious… Yet, you can neither conserve it or nor recycle it. It has a zero shelf life.
Every one of your hours and every one of your minutes has an absolute value that must be used “now”. Time is the ultimate use it or loose it commodity. Your ability to strategize and prioritize your time is your prerequisite key to improving your personal productivity. Given the volatile global economic environment, following are my Top 7 Time Strategy tips to assist you with your continuing need to do more… with less:
» Allocate Time Properly. Planning your time is critical to your productivity. Decide today how you are going to allocate your time tomorrow. Not only will you sleep better tonight – you’ll perform better tomorrow.
» Focus On Revenue Generation. On average, business people only devote about 20% of their time to those activities which actually generate income. Look for ways to delegate, outsource or eliminate non-revenue generating tasks. Then start focusing on turning your time into cash.
» Identify Time-Wasters. You waste time every day… stop it! Review the past several days while they are still fresh in your mind and then identify your Top 5 Time-Wasters. Be clear about “what” or “who” is wasting your valuable time. Now take the corrective actions to reclaim both your time and the money that this waste has been costing you.
» Prioritize Tasks. While you need to prioritize your daily work load based on importance, you also need to prioritize your tasks based upon their time requirements. Group tasks together as blocks of time, i.e. you have a staff meeting in an hour, but you don’t really have a sizeable task that will take up a full hour. Group a 30 minute task, a 20 minute task and 10 minute task together. You won’t leave something unfinished and you won’t have to review or refocus your attention back to that task after the meeting – Instead you will be able to start fresh on a new project.
» Think Prime-Time. Everyone has certain times of the day when they function best and feel the most productive. Learn to identify the time frames that constitute this “Prime-Time” for you. Then block out as much of this time frame as possible for your most important projects and tasks – then arrange for you to not be disturbed during this period of time. Start maxing-out your personal productivity.
» Stop Procrastinating. There will always be those tasks which are your least favorite things to do. Yet, in the end they still have to get done. Quit avoiding the inevitable… get them out of the way so that you can move on to more enjoyable work and creative opportunities. Not only will you be more productive, you’ll feel a whole lot better in the process.
» Put A Value On Time. If you really want to stop wasting time… Get crystal clear about what your time is really “worth”. While you know may readily know what you typically earn per week and consequently per hour – this is the wrong measuring tool. You are stuck in a loop that thinks in terms of “earnings” and not relative value. If you view how you make money in the context of revenue generation (listed above) which accounts for roughly 20% of your time – this means that when you are actually selling your product or service and generating revenue that your time is actually “worth” 500% more than it is the entire remainder of your day from an hourly perspective. When you know what your time is really “worth” you will quickly change what you are doing.
Ben Franklin is often quoted for saying that “Time is money.” When appropriately viewed through the prism of reality, it is my opinion that “Time yields productivity… and productivity in return yields money.”
By utilizing sound time strategies you can master the art of turning your time into “cash”!
Copyright © 2012 Developing Forward Thomas H. Swank, CBC All Rights Reserved.
In a few weeks you will receive the gift of an extra 24 hours to do with what ever you please. What are your plans for your Leap Year gift? How will you spend them? Or, will you choose to invest them?
Your journey through life… is also a remarkable journey through time! Time is in a sense a portal, because you literally pass through it. Time is also a dimension, because time changes everything, including you. Time like money, is also a commodity, for it is the most valuable thing that you will ever possess. And no amount of money can ever add a single day, hour or minute to your life.
February 29th should serve to remind you of your responsibility to both value and respect your gift of time throughout every moment of your every day – for once the grains of sand have slipped through the hour glass, you can never get them back. Time is an integral part of your daily environment, because it is with you wherever you go. And as I’m certain that you would agree, taking care of our environment is an appropriate thing that we all should do. When to comes to your own personal environment, time is the one thing that is so utterly precious… Yet, you can neither conserve it or nor recycle it. It has a zero shelf life.
Every one of your hours and every one of your minutes has an absolute value that must be used “now”. Time is the ultimate use it or loose it commodity. Your ability to strategize and prioritize your time is your prerequisite key to improving your personal productivity. Given the volatile global economic environment, following are my Top 7 Time Strategy tips to assist you with your continuing need to do more… with less:
» Allocate Time Properly. Planning your time is critical to your productivity. Decide today how you are going to allocate your time tomorrow. Not only will you sleep better tonight – you’ll perform better tomorrow.
» Focus On Revenue Generation. On average, business people only devote about 20% of their time to those activities which actually generate income. Look for ways to delegate, outsource or eliminate non-revenue generating tasks. Then start focusing on turning your time into cash.
» Identify Time-Wasters. You waste time every day… stop it! Review the past several days while they are still fresh in your mind and then identify your Top 5 Time-Wasters. Be clear about “what” or “who” is wasting your valuable time. Now take the corrective actions to reclaim both your time and the money that this waste has been costing you.
» Prioritize Tasks. While you need to prioritize your daily work load based on importance, you also need to prioritize your tasks based upon their time requirements. Group tasks together as blocks of time, i.e. you have a staff meeting in an hour, but you don’t really have a sizeable task that will take up a full hour. Group a 30 minute task, a 20 minute task and 10 minute task together. You won’t leave something unfinished and you won’t have to review or refocus your attention back to that task after the meeting – Instead you will be able to start fresh on a new project.
» Think Prime-Time. Everyone has certain times of the day when they function best and feel the most productive. Learn to identify the time frames that constitute this “Prime-Time” for you. Then block out as much of this time frame as possible for your most important projects and tasks – then arrange for you to not be disturbed during this period of time. Start maxing-out your personal productivity.
» Stop Procrastinating. There will always be those tasks which are your least favorite things to do. Yet, in the end they still have to get done. Quit avoiding the inevitable… get them out of the way so that you can move on to more enjoyable work and creative opportunities. Not only will you be more productive, you’ll feel a whole lot better in the process.
» Put A Value On Time. If you really want to stop wasting time… Get crystal clear about what your time is really “worth”. While you know may readily know what you typically earn per week and consequently per hour – this is the wrong measuring tool. You are stuck in a loop that thinks in terms of “earnings” and not relative value. If you view how you make money in the context of revenue generation (listed above) which accounts for roughly 20% of your time – this means that when you are actually selling your product or service and generating revenue that your time is actually “worth” 500% more than it is the entire remainder of your day from an hourly perspective. When you know what your time is really “worth” you will quickly change what you are doing.
Ben Franklin is often quoted for saying that “Time is money.” When appropriately viewed through the prism of reality, it is my opinion that “Time yields productivity… and productivity in return yields money.”
By utilizing sound time strategies you can master the art of turning your time into “cash”!
Copyright © 2012 Developing Forward Thomas H. Swank, CBC All Rights Reserved.