Are you worried about your financial success? Given the continuing financial state of the world, you most likely are quite concerned about the financial well being of your family, business, career and the dreams that you hold for a hopefully brighter future.
Let me ask you a question… Do you have a millionaire mindset? Sure, everyone wishes that fate or lady luck would some how make them one. That however is not what I’m asking. What I really want you to be clear about is whether or not you are thinking like a million dollar business owner or professional?
The key point that I want to make is that you have to start thinking like a millionaire and start conducting business as if you already were a millionaire… in order to eventually come one. I’m not referring to having a fake it till you make it. What I am talking about is the action of literally preparing yourself for the future that you say that you want. If you’re not truly ready to handle this degree of success, you could be in for some troubling times down the road.
I want you to honestly think about this with a serious perspective. How many times have you heard over the years about high profile actors, sports stars, recording artists, business people and even lottery winners that at one time had immense fortunes… Only to wind up broke, destitute and homeless years later. In many cases, their lives even met with tragic ends.
While it is critically important to know what you want for your life, as well as how you are going to get it… It is equally critical that you have a vision and plan for what you are going to do when success does come. With your financial success in mind, here are a few tips for developing an appropriate mindset when it comes to financial success:
Define “Rich”. Get crystal clear about what being rich means to you. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Are you actually rich in other ways in addition to potential monetary wealth? How do you then balance them?
Learn Wealth. Who you are hanging out with? Who are you getting financial advice from? Is your family wealthy? How about your friends? Are you honestly listening to traditional financial advisors and bankers? The truth is that wealthy people learn from other wealthy people. Start learning from the people who are further down the road that you are traveling in pursuit of success. Not only do they know how to achieve success, they also know the pitfalls to avoid.
Create A Wealth Posture. One of the important keys to building true wealth is that of creating the right growth posture. The is absolutely no substitute for the ability to work from a position of strength, for it is posture the allows your to leverage your finances, eliminate debt and accrue real wealth.
Think Bigger. Virtually everyone that has ever created meaningful wealth has had to break out of their comfort zone and start thinking bigger, dreaming bigger and living bigger… While concurrently taking on bigger risk than ever before. You’ll need to think bigger about yourself, your talents and abilities too.
Balance Your Life. Adjust your mindset with the knowledge that a successful life is much more than a robust balance sheet. Your finances and potential wealth are but one arena of your life. Don’t sacrifice the other significant aspects of your life all for the pursuit of wealth. Of what real “value” is all your money worth if you don’t have the good health required to enjoy it? And to what end are all your efforts, if you have no one in your life to enjoy it with?
Share Your Wealth. One of the hallmark qualities of those who have earned wealth is that of philanthropy. Now that you have invested in yourself, take time to invest in others and help them to find success. Find someone that can you mentor, then lift them high on your shoulders and help celebrate their success!
In the end, life all comes down to the choices you’ve made. When it comes to financial success… if you make the right choice… what’s to worry?
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