Have you ever had one of those times in life when something all of a sudden keeps popping up that you haven’t heard or thought of in years?
Of course, we all have at one time or another. Sometimes it’s a fond remembrance, while at other times it may be about one of the low lights in your life. Then, there are other times when something resurfaces that begs a question of us.
Such was the case in point this past week. The prerequisite thing that you should know is that I stopped listening to the “oldies” a long time ago for a number of reasons. Mostly because I firmly believe that my best days are still ahead of me… Not somewhere back there in yester-year. No “Old Time” lemonade for this dude.
Last Saturday evening due to a lack of televised boxing and
not being quite ready to put my head on the pillow for the night, I found
myself channel surfing of all things. I clicked on the movie The Big Lebowski
and quickly found myself listening to the back ground lyrics of Kenny Rogers
singing “I just checked in to see what condition my condition was in…” I
instantly thought to myself, wow… that’s one I haven’t heard for a long time.
Then I proceeded to surf on.
I next encountered a listing for a movie entitled “Fast”
with Billie Bob Thornton and Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) which I had never
watched before. When I clicked on the movie, I suddenly found myself again
listening to Kenny Rogers singing “I just checked in to see what condition my
condition was in…”
You should also know that I’m not one who is inclined to
believe in coincidences, so when I heard Kenny Rogers for the second time it
clearly got my attention… and it got me thinking about the state of condition
that my life is in. From a general perspective I could say that “life is good”
and I know that I have been very blessed. However, the longer that I
contemplated what condition my condition was in, the more I became aware of
things that needed to change in my life, as well as other things that needed to
improve going forward.
At this juncture, my question for you my valued reader is…
“What condition is your condition in?” What is the current state of your life? While
I know that your life is hectic (and whose isn’t?) and that you probably stay
quite busy being busy, when was the last time that you actually took the time
to take a long hard look at yourself and at your life?
If you’ve ever been in a twelve step program of any kind or
know someone that has, one of the primary steps centers around taking a fierce
moral inventory of yourself. While it not a comfortable thing to do, it is the
honest thing to do. So, I would ask you to be brutally honest with yourself…
about yourself, by honestly answering the following questions:
What is it that you are procrastinating in doing? Why?
What is it that you are avoiding at all cost? Why?
What is the one thing that absolutely has to change in your
Why hasn’t it?
What are the consequences if it doesn’t?
Do you simply want to get through life any old which way
that you can? Or do you really want to enjoy your life and the journey through
life that you are already on?
If you want something more for your life, then you really do
need to answer the question “What condition is your condition in”? And then you
will also need to ask yourself one more question, which is… What condition to
do you want your condition to be in?
© 2013 Developing Forward | Thomas H. Swank, CBC | All Rights Reserved.