Monday, August 4, 2014

The Law Of Results

Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of Motion states that “Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.”

Aside from physics, this principle has many similar applications in your daily life. If you smile at someone, they will invariably smile back at you. In like fashion, if you wish someone “Good morning”, they will in turn wish you a good morning as well.

This same principle is also true for business. For example, no one ever sells something until someone buys something.

The point that I’m making is that nothing ever happens in life until somebody does “something”. You can’t get heat from a fireplace until such time as you gather the wood and build a fire in it. The significant factor in the law of physics is that the “action” and opposite “reaction” are EQUAL in nature.

How many times have you heard someone say “You get out of it… What you put into it”? If you or your people only put forth a half-baked effort, then you or your organization are only going to get a half-baked result.

As you read this, you might be saying to yourself that you are taking plenty of action and that you are working your tail off. And the reality is that you probably are. I don’t question that you are working hard and that you are putting forth a great deal of concerted effort. However, I do question whether you are getting the results that you really “want”.  

According to Sir Isaac… The result (whatever it is) that you are getting is EQUAL to what it is that you are doing to generate the result. Therefore, if you are not getting the results that you want in your life and work, then it’s high time to start taking some different action.

At this juncture, I would like to introduce you to the Law of Results which states that “Taking RIGHT Action Equals RIGHT Results.” For it is the process of taking new (right) action that will ultimately bring you closer and closer to achieving the right result outcomes that you want for your life, career or business.

The problem is that most people are so busy getting from birth to death any old which way that they can, that they never find the time to determine what it is that they truly want, let alone how to get it. The reality of their lives is that they never actually do take action. They spend their entire lives allowing their circumstances to control their lives and consequently find themselves in permanent “reaction” mode. There is no “equal”. There is no life balance. There is no real satisfaction, accomplishment or meaningful achievement.

For most people and organizations it is much easier to talk about taking action than actually doing something that is planned and proactive. The reality is that talking about ideas and potential actions feels far safer than stepping up and stepping out. Actually doing something is generally construed as risky business.

There are very predictable reasons for why people shy away from taking risks. Maybe you or your people are familiar with them:

Fear. Fear is without question the biggest factor that holds people and organizations back. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of reprisal. Fear of not being good enough, smart enough and the like.

Victimization. Nothing every works out for the victim. Everybody is out to get him or her. There are too many distractions and interference for them to work effectively. The deadlines aren’t fair or realistic.

Habits. Old habits and poor work habits hold people back as well. While there may be better and more cost effective ways of doing things, these individuals simply don’t see any reason to change.

Perfectionism. After all, if you are going to do something… then do it right. Right? Very few tasks or projects literally require being perfect. If you wait for all conditions to be perfectly right, you will never get anything done.

Lack of Commitment. People want to be on the winning team, that’s a given. However, a lot of people want to hedge their bets just in case something goes wrong. Their lack of true commitment leaves them constantly straddling the fence of life. To them it only makes sense to leave their options open.

Don’t be afraid of taking some healthy and reasonable risks. Press past your fears and anything else that is holding you back. Commit to doing “something”. Better yet, commit to doing the RIGHT something!

Developing Forward provides developmental training, processes and structure to support, or even assist you in identifying and achieving the results you want for your business, career and personal life. At your convenience, call us to learn more or to schedule a confidential evaluation. 

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