Monday, July 21, 2014

Putting Life Back Into Perspective

When the world gets out of kilter, daily life generally seems to follow suit.

The recent events of the downing of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine and the Israeli conflict with Hamas have certainly added to life’s tensions for many concerned peoples around the world. Clearly, there were already ample things on the world stage and here at home in the U.S. to be plenty concerned about.
When it comes to worry and stress, people tend to lose touch with what it is in life that they have the ability to control and those things over which then have no control what so ever. The reality is that the virtual majority of what you have stress about will never come to pass in the first place. Moreover, you wouldn’t have any control of the circumstances even if they did some how come to pass.
There are times when the world around you is full of uncertainty and life’s future prospects look gloomy. When this occurs, you need to find a way of putting life back into perspective.
A few months back when I was at the neighborhood branch of my bank, I observed something on my bank officer’s desk that really caught my attention. It was a simple list of perspectives about life that I found very reassuring. I’m sure that Miss Judy would approve of me sharing them with you:
The Greatest Joy ………………………………………….. Giving
The Greatest Loss ……………………...…Loss of Self-Respect
The Most Satisfying Work …………...................Helping Others
The Ugliest Personality Trait …………………….…..Selfishness
The Most Endangered Species ………...…..Dedicated Leaders
Our Greatest Natural Resource ………………...…….Our Youth
The Greatest “Shot In The Arm” …………….…Encouragement
The Greatest Problem to Overcome ……………...……..….Fear
The Most Effective Sleep Remedy …………...….Peace of Mind
The Most Crippling Failure Disease ……………….……Excuses
The Most Powerful Force In Life …………………….... ……Love
The Most Dangerous Pariah ………………………….A Gossiper
The World’s Most Powerful Computer …………...……The Brain
The Worst Thing To Be Without ………………………….…Hope
The Deadliest Weapon …………………………...….The Tongue
The Two Most Power-Filled Words ……………………….”I Can”
The Greatest Asset …………………………………………...Faith
The Most Worthless Emotion …………………………... Self-Pity
The Most Beautiful Attire ……………………………..…. A Smile
The Greatest Gift …………………………………...…...Kindness
The Most Prized Possession ………………………….…Integrity
The Most Powerful Form of Communication ……….……Prayer
The Most Contagious Spirit ………………………….Enthusiasm
The Most Important Thing In Life ………………………...….God

When I consider this amazing list, I am reminded that while life is hard enough, you need not add to it by being hard on yourself. Life is short… best that you not hasten the process by worrying yourself to death. Scripture reminds us that there will be trials and tribulations, war and rumors of war. What you are experiencing today is nothing new in the grand scheme of life on planet earth.
There is a lifetime of abundant living in the list above, if you would simply employ these perspectives. Choose to take charge of those aspects of life over which you can exert some degree of control. Beyond that, take time to smell the roses, spend time with friends and family. View more sunrises at the beach, more sunsets from the mountain top and take more barefoot walks in the park.
Most of all, learn to enjoy the process and live life to the fullest… for time is fleeting.
Lastly, one final thought from an author unknown… “The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.”
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